Our mission is to promote health, proactive lifestyles, education, exceptional care, and foster a fun, safe environment that feels like family. Our goal is to support longevity and mind/body perseverance.

Randi Esquibel PT, DPT performance and physical therapist

Meet Randi..

Dr. Randi has a passion for learning, some would say she is equal parts student and teacher. She is constantly exploring diverse courses with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Her endless curiosity extends to understanding every facet of the human body, fostering an ongoing educational journey. Passionate about sharing knowledge, she aims to empower individuals to revitalize their body's function, enabling healing, self-regulation, and optimal daily performance.

What makes me different?

At IPPT, we're driven by a deep understanding of human potential and the body's intricacies, believing in the power of movement, human connection, and compassion. Our expertise lies in meticulously diagnosing underlying issues to rebuild the essential patient-practitioner relationship. We recognize pain as a signal of long-standing compensatory patterns within the body, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with patients to decode their body's silent communication.

As detectives in your care, we collaborate to uncover root causes, restore balance, and prioritize the brain-body relationship for peak performance. Our holistic approach extends beyond treating symptoms to address nutrition, breathing, sleep, and daily activities. Thorough subjective history-taking is key, acknowledging the interconnectedness of issues.

Understanding symptoms as manifestations of underlying processes, we focus on optimizing nervous system function to empower the body's innate healing abilities, fostering patient trust and autonomy. Our goal is to raise awareness and provide education for lasting transformations towards maximum expression and vitality.